Casino Heist Wiki
Posted By admin On 30/03/22- Gta Online Casino Heist Wiki
- Gta Online Diamond Casino Heist Wiki
- Diamond Casino Heist Wiki
- Casino Robberies Wiki
The Paragon Wiki Archive documents the state of City of Heroes/Villains as it existed on December 1, 2012. |
- 2In Detail
- 2.2Phase One
- 2.4Phase Four
- 3Enemies
- 3.5Thugs
- Appears in almost every heist Employees are a type of civilian that will work and wander around the working area. They functionally act the same as normal civilians, however, some may stand still in set places. Appears in Diamond Store, Jewelry Shop, R&B Bank, Four Stores, RO-Bank, Downtown Bank, Golden Mask Casino, and Brick Bank.
- 3) PREPS - At the start of your heist, you'll have to scope out the casino to find points of entry and points of interest. If you buy the $130K casino model, it'll point out all the points of entry for you, but someone's probably made a video or guide listing all of them out anyway so you can save the money by using that instead.
The Golden Mask Casino is a casino located in Las Vegas. It is a large casino with a vault underneath. It has a decent payout for the amount of time it takes to complete. This heist requires the Golden Mask Casino heist pack in order to be unlocked in safes and the contracts sections.
A vast fortune hides behind the doors of the Tyrant's Palace Casino. With the right plan and a smart crew, this job could set you up for life. The only things in your way are armed guards, a state-of-the-art security system, and an impenetrable vault. It's time for a no-holds-barred battle for fistfuls of cash! Form a crew with a hitter, a hacker, a grifter, and a thief. Each team member has a unique role and abilities that let you pull off the biggest job ever!
In Detail
Phase One
Mission Objective(s)
- Disable four generators
Mission Objective(s)
- Access servers while avoiding the security system
Starting The Outdated OS Installation...
Installation Commenced!
Editor's Note: The first dialogue choice is to flirt with Sylvia. The second dialogue choice is to be crass with her. |
Sylvia Rexson: Tha-That's absolutely disgusting! I swear if we weren't in public, I'd rip your throat out, right here, right now!
Editor's Note: The third dialogue choice is to be even more crass with Sylvia. |
Sylvia Rexson: You're just the most disgusting person!
Sylvia Rexson: If I see you around here again, you're dead!
Mission Objective(s)
- Steal X items from Ted's office
Phase Three
Editor's Note: After your initial foray into the casino, you head back to your lair and are ambushed by waves of Tyrant's Palace Thugs, led by Sylvia Rexson. |
Phase Four
Mission Objective(s)
- Disable 3 security cameras.
Mission Objective(s)
- Access the vault.
Mr. DuBois: Well, naturally, Tyrant's Palace cost an astronomical sum to construct.
Mr. DuBois: The structure itself is mammoth and the interior needed to match the opulence and luxury associated with the Casino's namesake.
Mr. DuBois: With our funding, though, we had the freedom to create a beautiful facility that spoke to the eternal grandeur of the emperor.
Mr. DuBois: Well, because we cater exclusively to the wealthiest of clientele, we occasionally get some truly famous individuals.
Mr. DuBois: Naturally, we cater to these individuals - It truly is the number one location for the Emperor's Praetors.
Mr. DuBois: When they are not maintaining peace through their constant vigilance, the powerful come here to play.
Mr. DuBois: As you well know, we are a world-class hotel and casino, complete with all the ammenities you would expect.
Mr. DuBois: It's not the normal ammenities of Tyrant's Palace that makes it so unique, but rather how we cater to the unique and specifc tastes of our patrons.
Mr. DuBois: Virtually anything is available within the luxurious privacy of the Casino, for a price, of course.
Editor's Note: The correct patron to train is the man in the trench coat, the Disheveled Drifter. |
Training the Disheveled Drifter:
- The Disheveled Drifter: Easy. Hi-Lo strategy. Two through Six, I add one; Seven through Nine, nothing; Ten, Jack, Queen, King, Ace, I subtract one. I'm going to enjoy this. Rattle through some cards quick!
- The Disheveled Drifter: Minus one, minus one, plus one, plus one, null, plus one. Oh this will be sweet!
- The Disheveled Drifter: I told you I could do this. Anything else I should know?
- The Disheveled Drifter: Time for sweet sweet revenge!
- The Disheveled Drifter: Hey! Look who's back! Scoot over!
- Dealer: The game is Blackjack, gentlemen...
- Dealer: Please place your bets!
- The Disheveled Drifter: In here? Wait until we get out of here - ALL IN!
- Gambler: He's murdering us here!
Editor's Note: Training any of the other patrons will not alert the casino. |
Training the Honest-Looking Professional:
- The Honest-Looking Professional: Alright, I think I get it. Hi-Lo strategy. Two through Six, I add one; Seven through Nine, nothing; Ten, Jack, Queen, King, Ace, I subtract one. Please provide some numbers for me to remember.
- The Honest-Looking Professional: Minus one, minus one, plus one, plus one, null, plus one. Wait, this seems to have gone past just probability and seems a lot like cheating.
- The Honest-Looking Professional: Well, dubious as it sounds to my ears, I've gone far enough that I might as well try it. Anything else?
- The Honest-Looking Professional: Well, let's take this for a spin and learn how good I am at this!
- The Honest-Looking Professional: Mind another player, gentlemen?
- Dealer: The game is Blackjack, ladies and gentlemen...
- Dealer: Please place your bets!
- The Honest-Looking Professional: 'Little lady', eh? I'm in.
- Gambler: The little lady has cleaned me out! Fold.
- Jimmy Crescendo: Everything on the up and up, over there?
- Dealer: Mr. Crescendo? Yes, everything seems fine.

Training The High Roller:
- The High Roller: Alright, I think I get it. Hi-Lo strategy. Two through Six, I add one; Seven through Nine, nothing; Ten, Jack, Queen, King, Ace, I subtract one. Okay! Throw some numbers at me!
- The High Roller: Minus one, minus one, plus one, plus one, null, plus one. Arg, this is confusing to keep track of. I think I got it though, keep going!
- The High Roller: I've got it! Woa-boy! The house is going DOWN! Before that, you got any more pointers?
- The High Roller: Alright, Senpai! Watch as your Kohai goes all Bushido on this establishment!
- Dealer: The game is Blackjack, gentlemen...
- The High Roller: Wha-uh... I mean, All in. Too.
- The High Roller: Oh! Jimmy! I-uh didn't see you there. I swear, I wasn't counting cards. Not this time at least. Honest! Please don't break my knuckles!
- Jimmy Crescendo: You sure about that son? I think I gave a warning to you last time I saw you in here trying to cheat the house.
- Gambler: All in.
- Dealer: Gentlemen, please place your bets!
Phase Five
Editor's Note: After completing phase four, you are tracked back to your lair and ambushed by more waves of Tyrant's Palace Thugs, this time led by Jimmy Crescendo and Mr. DuBois. |
Successfully completing phases two and four for the role of the hitter awards The Perfect Hitter Badge.
The Perfect Hitter You performed the role of the Hitter in the Summer Blockbuster 'Casino Heist' perfectly. |
Successfully completing phases two and four for the role of the hacker awards The Perfect Hacker Badge.
The Perfect Hacker You performed the role of the Hacker in the Summer Blockbuster 'Casino Heist' perfectly. |
Successfully completing phases two and four for the role of the grifter awards The Perfect Grifter Badge.
The Perfect Grifter You performed the role of the Grifter in the Summer Blockbuster 'Casino Heist' perfectly. |
Successfully completing phases two and four for the role of the thief awards The Perfect Thief Badge.
The Perfect Thief You performed the role of the Thief in the Summer Blockbuster 'Casino Heist' perfectly. |
Earning all four 'Perfect' badges awards the Roleplayer Badge.
Roleplayer You've obtained this Accolade by perfecting each of the roles in the Summer Blockbuster 'Casino Heist'. |
Jimmy Crescendo (Archvillain)
+++ Missing Information +++
Envenom Ranged, -RES(Foe, All), -DEF(Foe, All), -Regen, -Heal
You poison your foe, reducing their resistance to and defense against all types of damage. Additionally, the target suffers from reduced effectiveness of healing and reduced regeneration.
Weaken Ranged, -DMG(Foe, All), -ToHit, -STR(Foe, Secondary Effects)
You poison your foe with a venom that significantly weakens their strength. The affected target's chance to hit and damage output are severely reduced. Additionally, the affected target's secondary power effects, including Heals, Defense Buffs, Endurance Drains, Stuns, Holds, Immobilizes, Knockbacks and more, are all weakened.
Lash Ranged (Close), High DMG(Fire), Minor DoT(Toxic), -RES(Foe, All), Chance for Knockdown(Foe)
You lash out at your foe with a whip of living hellfire, dealing fire damage and causing toxic damage over time. The target also suffers reduced resistance to all forms of damage and may be knocked down.
Whip Ranged (Close Cone), High DMG(Fire), Moderate DoT(Toxic), -RES(Foe, All), Chance for Knockdown(Foe)
You crack a whip of living hellfire in a cone in front of you, dealing fire damage and causing toxic damage over time to all those caught in the arc. The targets also suffer reduced resistance to all forms of damage and may be knocked down.
Corruption Ranged, Minor DMG(Fire), Minor DoT (Toxic), -RES(Foe, All)
You fire a bolt of living hellfire from a crack of your whip, corrupting your victim's living essence. The target suffers fire damage and toxic damage over time, along with a reduction in their resistance to all types of damage.
Archvillain's Might Resistance
Arch-villains are very powerful individuals, and as such have significant resistance to many status effects. They are not immune, however, and can be vulnerable for brief windows of opportunity.
Mr. DuBois (Archvillain)
+++ Missing Information +++
Quick Strike Melee, Light DMG(Smash/Energy), Foe -DMG, 33% KD
A quick attack that sometimes knock foes down. Fast, but low damage. Damage: Low, Recharge: Fast
Focused Burst Ranged, High DMG(Smash/Energy), Knockdown
Projects a burst of focused power over a short distance. Focused Burst deals high damage and can possibly knock down your foe. Damage: High, Recharge: Moderate
Repulsing Torrent Ranged (Cone), Moderate DMG(Energy/Smash), Foe Knockback
Repulsing Torrent unleashes a cone of powerful energy that can smash foes and possibly send them flying. Damage: Moderate, Recharge: Slow
Smashing Blow Melee, High DMG(Smash/Energy), Foe Disorient
Smashing Blow is a slow attack, but makes up for it with a good amount of damage. Has a greater chance to stun than body blow. Damage: High, Recharge: Moderate
Body Blow Melee, Moderate DMG(Smash/Energy), +Stun
A much more powerful, yet slower version of Quick Strike. Body Blow is capable of stunning an opponent occasionally. Damage: Moderate, Recharge: Moderate
Dull Pain Self, +MaxHP
Using ancient techniques, you make yourself more resilient to pain, which takes the form of an increase in your maximum health.
Quick Recovery Self (Auto), +Recovery
You recover endurance faster than the average person.
Reconstruction Self, Heal, +RES(Toxic)
You concentrate for a few moments and heal yourself. This healing also leaves you briefly more resistant to toxic damage.
Fast Healing Self (Auto), +RES(-Regen), +Regen
You regenerate health faster than the average person and are more resistant to regeneration debuffs.
Moment of Glory Self,+RES(All except Psionic), +RES(Knock, Repel, Stun, Sleep, Immobilize, Hold), +DEF(All except Psionics), +Recovery
You gain resistance to and defense against all damage types except psionic, recover endurance more quickly, and are highly resistant to knocks, repels, sleeps, stuns, immobilizes, and holds.
Archvillain's Might Resistance
Arch-villains are very powerful individuals, and as such have significant resistance to many status effects. They are not immune, however, and can be vulnerable for brief windows of opportunity.
Security System
+++ Missing Information +++
Laser Trap Auto, -Speed(Foe, All), -Fly(Foe), -Jump(Foe)
You ensnare any intruders which enter your grid.
Resistance Inherent
Inherent resistance of all inanimate objects. Inanimate objects cannot be moved, knocked back, Healed with normal Heal powers, Disoriented, Held, Slept, Confused, Feared, Taunted or debuffed. They are always Immobilized. Since they have no mind, they inherently take less damage from Psionics.
Sylvia Rexson (Archvillain)
+++ Missing Information +++
Thunder Kick Melee, Minor DMG(Smashing), Chance for Stun(Foe)
You perform a strong Thunder Kick which causes smashing damage and hits so hard it might briefly stun your target.
Crippling Axe Kick Melee, Moderate DMG(Smashing), Immobilize(Foe), -Speed(Foe), -Fly(Foe)
You perform a crippling kick which causes smashing damage, immobilizes the target and reduces their movement speed. If the target is flying, they are also brought to the ground.

Crane Kick Melee, High DMG(Smashing), Knockback
You perform a powerful kick that causes smashing damage and has a chance to knock your target back.
Shuriken Ranged, Minor DMG(Lethal), Minor DoT(Lethal)
You throw a shuriken at your target, causing lethal damage. The shuriken leaves a wound that causes additional lethal damage over time.
Storm Kick Melee, Moderate DMG(Smashing), Chance for Knockdown
You unleash a roundhouse kick that pummels your foe, causing smashing damage and potentially knocking your target down.
Quick Recovery Self (Auto), +Recovery
You recover endurance faster than the average person.
Fast Healing Self (Auto), +RES(-Regen), +Regen
You regenerate health faster than the average person and are more resistant to regeneration debuffs.
Mind Over Body Self (Auto), +RES (Smashing, Lethal, Psionic)
Your mind exerts exquisite control over your body, granting you additional resistance to smashing, lethal and psionic damage.
High Pain Tolerance Self (Auto), +RES (All), +MaxHP
You have a greater tolerance to pain than others. You are also slightly resistant to all types of damage. This power is always on and costs no Endurance.
Heightened Senses Self (Auto), +DEF(Smashing, Lethal, Fire, Cold, Energy, Negative Energy), +RES(-DEF), +Perception
You are more aware of your environment and its hazards. This increases your defense against all typed damage except psionic, improves your perception and makes you more resistant to defense debuffs.
Archvillain's Might Resistance
Arch-villains are very powerful individuals, and as such have significant resistance to many status effects. They are not immune, however, and can be vulnerable for brief windows of opportunity.
Muscle (Minion)
+++ Missing Information +++
Kick Melee, Moderate DMG(Smash), Foe Knockback
A modest kicking attack that has a small chance to knock opponents down.
Boxing Disorient
You have been Disoriented.
Automatic Pistol Ranged Lethal, Med Dam
Small caliber side arm.
Gta Online Casino Heist Wiki
Muscle (Lieutenant)
+++ Missing Information +++
Jab Disorient
You have been Disoriented.
Punch Melee Smash, Knockback
A Super Strength Punch is a powerful pummeling attack, and it may knocks foes off their feet.
Haymaker Melee Smash, Knockback
The Haymaker is a slow attack, but makes up for it with a greater damage and a high chance of Knockback.
Automatic Pistol Ranged Lethal, Med Dam
Small caliber side arm.
Shotgun (Minion)
+++ Missing Information +++
Shotgun Cone Lethal, Knockback
Good at close range. Fires a cone of buckshot pellets and can knock some foes down.
Gta Online Diamond Casino Heist Wiki
Tommy Gun (Minion)
+++ Missing Information +++
Tommy Gun -DEF
Your defense has been reduced by the Tommy Gun.
Tommy Gun (Lieutenant)
+++ Missing Information +++
Burst -DEF
Your defense has been reduced by the Tommy Gun.
Full Auto DoT(Lethal)
You are taking Lethal Damage over Time from the Tommy Gun.
See Also
Location in Belgium | |
Coordinates: 51°20′N03°17′E / 51.333°N 3.283°ECoordinates: 51°20′N03°17′E / 51.333°N 3.283°E | |
Country | Belgium |
Community | Flemish Community |
Region | Flemish Region |
Province | West Flanders |
Arrondissement | Bruges |
Government | |
• Mayor | Count Leopold Lippens |
• Governing party/ies | Gemeentebelangen |
Area | |
• Total | 56.44 km2 (21.79 sq mi) |
Population | |
• Total | 33,097 |
• Density | 590/km2 (1,500/sq mi) |
Postal codes | 8300, 8301 |
Area codes | 050 |
Website | |
Knokke-Heist (Dutch pronunciation: [ˌknɔkəˈɦɛi̯st]) is a municipality in the Belgianprovince of West Flanders. The municipality comprises the towns of Heist-aan-Zee, Knokke, Duinbergen, Ramskapelle and Westkapelle. On January 1, 2006 Knokke-Heist had a total population of 34,063. The total area is 56.44 km² which gives a population density of 603 inhabitants per km². Knokke-Heist is located along the North Sea in a polder area on the Belgian border with the Netherlands. It is Belgium’s best-known and most affluent seaside resort.
Middle Ages[edit]
Originally, the marshy Zwin area was mostly settled by shepherds and fishermen. With the encouragement of the Counts of Flanders, several dikes were built between the 11th and the 13th century and the land successfully dewatered, giving rise to agriculture and further sheep breeding. New parishes were founded and the early settlement of Sint-Anna-ter-Muiden, later made part of Westkapelle, obtained city rights in 1242.
The strategic importance of the Zwin harbour was recognized in 1301, during the war between Count Guy of Dampierre and the French King Philip the Fair. During the Hundred Years' War that followed shortly after, several battles were fought between France and England for supremacy of the area including the Battle of Sluys in June 1340. The local population tried to remain neutral as it was politically tied to Flanders, then allied to France, but economically dependent on wool from England. Under Philip the Bold’s leadership, it took advantage of the relative peace of the end of the century to fortify the canal linking the Zwin to the port of Bruges.
15th to 17th century[edit]
The beginning of the 15th century witnessed several renewed English attacks on neighboring Sluis, with devastating effects on the local economy, until a lasting peace was signed in 1439. The end of the century was marked by internal rebellions against Maximilian of Austria and strategic flooding of the polders. The reign of Charles V in the following century saw peace coming back to the region. This was also the time when the Zwin started silting and when apple orchards were planted to supplement the local economy.
The Wars of Religion of the late 16th century brought renewed floods and devastation, but the economy managed to come back to life after the Peace of Westphalia with the cultivation of rapeseed and potatoes. The strength of this agricultural rebirth and of the cattle trade allowed the local farmers to weather future economic crises relatively well.
18th century until today[edit]
Following the Treaty of Utrecht in 1713, the territory of Knokke was annexed to the Netherlands, but the old border was reestablished at the Zwin a few years later. After the Battle of Fleurus (1794), Bruges, Knokke and the neighboring municipalities were included in the department of the Lys. The construction of the Leopold Canal in 1857 made the closing of the Zwin and its transformation in a natural reservation possible. The development of Knokke and Heist as tourist destinations followed soon after. The population of Knokke doubled between 1873 and 1914 to 3,326 inhabitants, then again from 1914 to 1930 and again to reach more than 14,000 in 1965 despite the heavy setbacks brought by World War II.
Notable sights[edit]

- The area known as Het Zoute (Le Zoute in French) includes the exclusive Royal Zoute Golf Club, located in the dunes.
- The Zwin, a 158 ha coastal nature reserve. This large salt-water marsh area is also a protected bird sanctuary.
- The Sincfala museum, located in Heist, documents the regional history and way of life.
- A butterfly garden (Vlindertuin) was established near Moeder Siska, the coffeehouse that makes clover-shaped waffles which dates from 1892. Both closed in 2010.
- Scharpoord, a concert hall
- 'De groetende mannen', translated to 'the men greeting (each other)', a sculpture by Joep van Lieshout of two large orange men shaking hands
- The sculpture of Alfred Verwee located in front of the town hall
- The sculpture located on the beach of Knokke-Heist. There are many sculptures in Knokke-Heist located on the beach and on the wave breakers.
- The pink fountain located at the tourism center.
- The sculpture of a blue floating water faucet built by the municipal water company.
- The sculpture of a rabbit located at the end of the boardwalk.
Events, sports and culture[edit]
- Knokke-Heist is home to more than 40 art galleries.
- The Kneistival, a free and week-long music festival, has taken place every July since 1986.
- Festival international du cinéma expérimental de Knokke-le-Zoute (Experimental Film festival)[2]
- Knokke-Heist is home to the Cartoon Festival of Knokke-Heist, which is an art gallery open in the summer located on the beach in front of the casino in which cartoons for adults and children are presented.
- Knokke-Heist host a carnaval every year at the end of February.
- The Belgian Basketball Supercup is held in Knokke-Heist.
- The Belgian Volleyball Supercup is also held in Knokke-Heist.
- Miss Belgian beauty is Belgian beauty pageant held in Knokke-Heist.
- The Zwin Triathlon at the end of September.
- Günther Vanaudenaerde, defense football player (1984-)
- David Van Ooteghem, radio presenter (1975-)
Beach Casino Townhall Painting of one time village The Zwin nature reserve Dominican church Sculpture of Alfred Verwee Sculpture by Joep van Lieshout Pines at Knocke by Charles Warren Eaton St George's Anglican Church
See also[edit]
- ^'Wettelijke Bevolking per gemeente op 1 januari 2018'. Statbel. Retrieved 9 March 2019.
- ^fr:Festival international du cinéma expérimental de Knokke-le-Zoute
External links[edit]
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Knokke-Heist. |
Diamond Casino Heist Wiki
- Official website - Information available in Dutch, French, English and German
- Sincfala museum - Information on local history and on the Zwin area, available in Dutch only
- KH Magazine - Official website of the community magazine KH, including a complete activity calendar Dutch, French